Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Blustery Day

Ranger Nomad here; Saturday it rained all day. It made me sad and Mommy had to go take care of a work-related matter. She came home before lunch and made us some good eats! I know Choe is still grounded for her all-night adventure on Monday, but, she was allowed to play with me on the terrace when the Sun came out today. Mommy bought some new bed linens Saturday and put them on the bed, Choe and me got to sleep on them to break them in. Mommy is the greatest Mommy ever, she always hugs us and tell us she loves us both.


Just Ducky said...

Hi Kitties,

You sound like you live in an interesting place. My Mum gotted the map thingy out and showed me where Mon-go-lia is. She works for a big company and sometimes talks to people on your side of the world.

Anyway, welcome to the blogoshpere!


Victor Tabbycat said...

Hi, Choe and Nomad! It's nice to meet you. I fink all kitties should get to blog. How do we say "Choe"? Mom thinks it's like "Joe". Purrs!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Hi, we just found your blog. welcome to the cat blogging community! Come and visit us!

Petey said...

Hello and welcome. I saw your link over at CREWS' VIEWS; I think that all cats should be allowed to go outside whenever they want, without repurrcussions. I get busted all the time for sneaking out of the house. I made it known that I wanted out, all day long, I kept telling the mom, but do you think that she listened, no, I've been trapped inside almost all day long. I think I'll pester her some more. Bye guys

Unknown said...

Is Choe still grounded? Does she need a lawyer? Not that we have one, but we'd ask around for her if she did. --Alberta, Sky, Blackie and Charlie